Aug 27 10:41:58 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: E0827 10:41:58.480578 1666 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:41:58 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: I0827 10:41:58.480614 1666 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:42:16 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: E0827 10:42:16.502207 1666 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:42:16 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: I0827 10:42:16.502266 1666 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:42:24 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: E0827 10:42:24.806734 1666 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:42:24 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1666]: I0827 10:42:24.806768 1666 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s
Aug 27 10:47:31 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:31.265099 1680 shared_informer.go:247] Caches are synced for node config Aug 27 10:47:31 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:31.865070 1680 shared_informer.go:247] Caches are synced for service config Aug 27 10:47:31 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: E0827 10:47:31.893976 1680 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:47:31 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:31.894015 1680 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:47:32 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: E0827 10:47:32.632956 1680 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:47:32 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:32.632986 1680 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:47:39 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: E0827 10:47:39.109972 1680 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:47:39 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:39.110010 1680 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:47:39 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: E0827 10:47:39.128309 1680 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:47:39 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:39.128340 1680 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s Aug 27 10:47:40 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: E0827 10:47:40.150827 1680 proxier.go:1595] Failed to execute iptables-restore: failed to open iptables lock /run/xtables.lock: open /run/xtables.lock: is a directory Aug 27 10:47:40 SUSESP5 kube-proxy[1680]: I0827 10:47:40.150873 1680 proxier.go:876] Sync failed; retrying in 18s
# While Docker has support for socket activation (-H fd://), this is not # enabled by default because enabling socket activation means that on boot your # containers won't start until someone tries to administer the Docker daemon. Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --containerd /run/containerd/containerd.sock --add-runtime oci=/usr/sbin/docker-runc $DOCKER_NETWORK_OPTIONS $DOCKER_OPTS ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
# Having non-zero Limit*s causes performance problems due to accounting overhead # in the kernel. We recommend using cgroups to do container-local accounting. LimitNOFILE=infinity LimitNPROC=infinity LimitCORE=infinity
# Uncomment TasksMax if your systemd version supports it. # Only systemd 226 and above support this property. TasksMax=infinity
# Set delegate yes so that systemd does not reset the cgroups of docker containers # Only systemd 218 and above support this property. Delegate=yes
# This is not necessary because of how we set up containerd. #KillMode=process
$ journalctl -xe -u docker |& grep /run/xta Aug 27 11:08:25 SUSESP5 dockerd[1765]: time="2021-08-27T11:08:25.564282010+08:00" level=error msg="Failed to start container e74f20c98617fa60b13981513b434cdb3139f2e3b406ec521b48ec81958cebe0: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused \"process_linux.go:368: container init caused \\"rootfs_linux.go:57: mounting \\\\"/run/xtables.lock\\\\" to rootfs \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735\\\\" at \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735/run/xtables.lock\\\\" caused \\\\"not a directory\\\\"\\"\" Aug 27 11:11:32 SUSESP5 dockerd[1679]: time="2021-08-27T11:11:32.556235556+08:00" level=error msg="Failed to start container e74f20c98617fa60b13981513b434cdb3139f2e3b406ec521b48ec81958cebe0: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused \"process_linux.go:368: container init caused \\"rootfs_linux.go:57: mounting \\\\"/run/xtables.lock\\\\" to rootfs \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735\\\\" at \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735/run/xtables.lock\\\\" caused \\\\"not a directory\\\\"\\"\" Aug 27 11:33:03 SUSESP5 dockerd[1705]: time="2021-08-27T11:33:03.048807247+08:00" level=error msg="Failed to start container e74f20c98617fa60b13981513b434cdb3139f2e3b406ec521b48ec81958cebe0: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:265: starting container process caused \"process_linux.go:368: container init caused \\"rootfs_linux.go:57: mounting \\\\"/run/xtables.lock\\\\" to rootfs \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735\\\\" at \\\\"/data/kube/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/7035bbf1baba2ef7cee552cd2fdda6841a22d4bdb62bd66b81f4b62c78b65735/run/xtables.lock\\\\" caused \\\\"not a directory\\\\"\\"\" Aug 27 11:36:28 SUSESP5 bash[1684]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:36:38 SUSESP5 bash[2265]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:36:48 SUSESP5 bash[2272]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:36:59 SUSESP5 bash[2295]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:37:09 SUSESP5 bash[2327]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:37:19 SUSESP5 bash[2356]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:37:29 SUSESP5 bash[2385]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory Aug 27 11:37:40 SUSESP5 bash[2475]: stat: cannot stat '/run/xtables.lock': No such file or directory